Posted on Mar 16 2019 - 12:00am

Alcohol can definitely add “buzz” to a slow or overwhelming day and it can do the same to a meal. Adding alcohol while cooking is a practice that’s been popular in many cultures for centuries, but doing it properly can be a bit tricky for novices. Different types of “booze” complement different ingredients, and one thing to note is that...

If you are planning to go full-Irish this St. Patrick’s Day then you came to the right place. Nothing is more Irish than a traditional recipe for corned beef and cabbage and that’s exactly what we are giving you here. This corned beef and cabbage recipe is simple, not exactly fast (it takes about 10 minutes to prepare but 2 hours and 35 minutes to be cooked),...

This is what happens when everything works perfectly in your country – you debate about pizza toppings. While some presidents can’t shut their mouths about certain issues like immigration and climate change, others talk about their REAL passions. And who isn’t passionate about pizza toppings? We all have our best version of this Italian food and all foodies...

We all know that there is a direct connection between dieting/exercising and weight loss. However, in recent years fad diets have become fairly popular, without any proof of their efficiency. Even nutritionists warn about the dangers of fad diets, so in that name – here are 5 most compelling reasons why they are an utter nonsense. 1. Fad Diets Are Unhealthy Certain...

Posted on Mar 3 2019 - 12:00am

We all know that if we want to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure, we must regularly control our cholesterol levels. However, many people tend to brag about how they “watch their cholesterol” without even knowing what cholesterol is and what it does to our bodies. Let’s change that, shall we? Cholesterol 101 Cholesterol takes the form of a waxy substance...

Although experts have been linking red meat to physical health risks since, well the dawn of time, now it seems they have changed their tune quite a bit. Yes, it appears that people who eat red meat on a weekly basis are a lot happier that those who don’t. The team of Australian experts made the link between red meat and lower risk of depression after a thorough...

We all LOVE to eat delicious foods, and we all HATE exercising. It’s just the way we’re wired. If you are not really a fan of exercising, but you are looking to lose some weight, by all means – do read on. According to many nutritionists, it seems you are better off not eating that mouthwatering dessert you have in your fridge right now, instead of eating it...

Dying for a soup that has a rich texture, while also leaving a silky, amazing aftertaste on your taste buds? Look no further than from this wonderful fennel soup with almond-mint topping that can warm you up while refreshing you at the same time. Energizing and light, a bowl of this delish soup will fuel you up for hours, and help you get through a harsh, winter’s...